A Happy Hake New Year

They don't celebrate New Year's Eve
the way they used to !
Otto Hake's
take on the subject
with beautiful, flapper fairy-nymphs
being chased around the party
by thick-necked satyr-artists.

of the dapper gentleman himself.
(bearing a strong resemblance
to his contemporary,
the original Captain Georg Von Trapp)
BTW -- this is not a Palette and Chisel party,
but it was thrown by the 1920 version
of "The Chicago Artists Coalition"
which was trying to raise money
to buy/build an artist studio district.
the only thing these parties produced
was a good time,
and maybe a few hangovers.
But five months later,
the same motivation
would bear fruit
when the P&C artists
1012 N. Dearborn.
(whose basement Otto Hake
would eventually adorn with murals)
Here's the newspaper story from the morning after:
Chicago artist's drams of the speedy establishment of a local "art colony" in which they could work and live after their evictions from the Lambert Tree studio building, have been followed by a rude awakening. Instead of the $60,000 with which they expected to finance the art colony project they find they have exactly $822.76.
The discovery was made at the final meeting of the committee which had charge of the artists ball given at the Coliseum on New Year's Eve. The committee resorted that the gross receipts are only $6,937.39 and the expenditures were $5,200.54 leaving a balance of $827.76,leaving a balance of $827.76. Out of this a war tax still has to be paid.