Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Feminine in Focus: Photographic works by Bunny Yeager from the M.S. Collection


Bunny Yeager / Bettie Page

Apparently I'm not the only one who doesn't want our gallery to be limited to the work of members.

But this wasn't really what I had in mind.

"M.S." is Michelle Strassburger - an interior designer who collects art 

- including plein air paintings by some of our members.

I would love to see that part of her collection on the walls of our gallery 

- whether the artists are PNC or not.

I'm less interested in her collection of photography - but OK 

- that might be interesting as well.

This is a show, however, of what she is trying to sell - not what she likes to own.  

She bought a large collection of pinup girl photos - these are the ones she does not want.

Maybe the alternative to her show would have been an empty gallery,

Maybe somebody here really likes this kind of stuff.

Maybe somebody here knows Michelle and wants to help her out.

Perhaps the PNC will make several thousand dollars in commission.

 These are  all good reasons,

But if we are serious about the public  mission of our gallery

this is the kind of issue that should go before an exhibition committee - 

if we ever get around to having one.


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