Quarterly of December 11, 2007:

Motions made by Chris Miller:
1.Approval of the annual budget must be placed on a proxy ballot like
any other motion seeking approval.
2.No motion can be approved without having been placed on a proxy ballot
3.Every voting member must be given an opportunity to attach written comment
to any motion placed on the proxy ballot. Libelous attacks are not allowed, and
the office will establish the maximum length. Otherwise, comments will be unedited and
published as written.
Election results:
John Dolan 34
Michael Wilkins 34
Jane Ellen Murray 32
Robert Pernau 19
Proxies 21
In person 20
(quorum needed: 40)
ANNOUNCEMENT OF MEETING : Thursday, September 20, 2007
We'll be electing 3 new directors for the Board. Committee updates will be given, and then we'll retire to the courtyard for a barbecue. Hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, beer and soda will be served.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please complete the attached limited proxy and both sides of the ballot and return. The limited proxy will be used for the purpose of achieving a quorum and other purposes set forth in the limited proxy, other than election of officers and directors. Completing just the proxy will not suffice for electing the new Board members. The meeting is on Thursday, September 20, so please return the ballot and proxy as soon as possible if you will not be attending the meeting. You can fax proxies to 312-642-4317.
Absentee Ballot
Please select only three of the four candidates:
- Jane Ellen Murray is running for re-election as a director. She is one of the P&C's most generous benefactors and ambassadors. A successful advertising woman, she has a Clio for art direction for a campaign for Pepsi International. She has been president of the Chicago Society of Communicating Arts and the Women's Advertising Club who named her Advertising Woman of the Year. She also has written and produced 2 musicals, one of which is a "Musical Salute to Norman Rockwell."
My dream is that the Palette & Chisel will enhance its reputation as the premier artist colony and academy in the city of Chicago ... the place where the most gifted will come to study... where some of the best art can be found hanging on its walls.. .and as the years roll by, I hope that good management and caring members will protect its legacy into the future. - Robert Pernau recently retired from a 40-year career as a commercial artist and is currently evolving into a fine artist. He is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan and the American Academy of Art. He would like to serve on the Education and Exhibition Committees.
My vision of the P&C is to keep it going in the direction it currently is. Outside of finding more storage space and improving the gallery's exposure, I'm happy with the status quo. - John Philbin Dolan has been a member of the P&C for three years and has taken workshops here for five. John has participated in a number of the P&C exhibitions. He has owned or managed a number of businesses over the last 25 years including bars and restaurants, technology consulting and was co-owner and Vice President of Information Technology for Olsten Staffing Services of Chicago, the largest privately owned staffing firm in lllinois, before it was sold in 2001. He now serves as a commissioner on the Planning and Zoning Board in Northfield Illinois. Primarily a pastel painter, in 2004, he hung up his tie for an easel. He was recently juried into membership of the Pastel Society of America. He is also a member of The Chicago Pastel Painters, the Portrait Society of America and The North Shore Art League. He has been a weekly regular in Max Ranft's life drawing class for the last 3 years. John has been married to Diane for twenty years and they have 4 children.
My vision for the Palette and Chisel in ten years is that of higher visibility in Chicago and the country. We have a rich history and the caliber of artists that have walked, and still walk, through the door every week is worthy of more recognition than we currently receive. I believe this can be achieved with a more aggressive PR campaign. I think that by promoting the accomplishments of our artist members (past and present), bringing in more acclaimed artists for workshops, cajoling our archivist into writing a book on the history of the P&C, contacting Geoffrey Baer (channel II) to do one of his local documentaries on the P&C's history and aligning with suburban art leagues would all help in promoting our history and name, as well as, increasing membership and class enrollment. In ten years, I would like the P&C to have the same name recognition as The Art Students League. Michael Wilkins studied fine art at the Art Institute of Chicago and the Chicago Academy of Fine Art. He has worked in the advertising/marketing industry for the last thirty years as well as pursued his passion for portraits. Mike is a serving board member of the Palette & Chisel, a current board member of the National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum, is employed by the Abelson Taylor advertising agency and has served on many, various not-for- profit boards and commissions.
My vision for the future of the Palette & Chisel is to improve the facility and services, identify and implement more outreach and educational programs, market and promote all of the marvelous features of our 112 year-old academy to build membership and revenue
September 4, 2007 .
Dear Voting Member:
We haven't raised our dues in more than 10 years. While everything from utilities to model rates have increased in that time, our membership dues have not. The $360 we charged in 1996 is roughly equivalent to $460 in today's dollars. We are proposing an additional $12 quarterly payment that would bring your annual commitment to $408 per year. While it would be an extra $12 every 3 months for yhou, it would mean an extra $9,000 annually for the Palette & Chisel. Prior to the next membership meeting in December, we will send out a limited proxy advocating the increase in your annual commitment. We ask that you support that motion when it comes to a vote. Thank you.
The Board of Directors
The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
MINUTES: Quarterly Membership Meeting ---- Tuesday, February 20, 20071. Bill Ewers gave the treasurer's report for the 2006 budget. It was accepted
2.$9,000 out of $10,000 has been collected for the third floor a/c, We will proceed in two months with our plans for installation
3. A motion was made to make Sharon Williams an honorary member. Unanimously approved
4. A motion was made that the P&C will donae a one-year membership to American service people who served overseas over thepast two years. Unanamously approved.
5. A motion was made to dedicate the back garden in honor of Jane Ellen Murray, for her
many contributions to the Palette and Chisel. Approved unanimously.
6. Motion made that the meeting be adjourned. Unanimously approved