Communists at the Palette and Chisel
but is liberal and progressive socially)
is finally ready
to move the above painting
into the gallery
that he built for it
atop his home in Skokie.
The artist was his father,
Chaim Livchitz ,
and Misha, himself, posed for the figure
of the young man in the lower left hand corner.
Other characters depicted
include, of course, Vladimir Lenin
two of the most notorious
mass murderers of the 20th Century.
But it's a good painting, anyway,
isn't it ?

First version, now in the Belarus State Art Museum
oil on linen
The event being depicted
is the meeting of the first Soviet Congress
in St. Petersburg
in June, 1917,
4 months before the Bolsheviks
would stage the October Revolution
that threw Russia into civil war,
and eventually give birth
to the U.S.S.R.
whose entire 70 year reign of terror
fits entirely within the 115 years
of the Palette and Chisel.
Is it possible
to beat swords into paint brushes?