The Life and Death of Arnold Turtle

The highlight of the P&C Quarterly meeting
in September, 2007
had to be the display of several
magnificent paintings by
Arnold Turtle (1892-1954)
that have been given to the Palette and Chisel.

and here's the page in the log book
that records the day in 1926 that he joined,
paying the $100 initiation fee.
(and all the other fees as well,
including the $12/quarter dues,
$1/year locker fee,
a $5 assessment (purpose unknown)
and the $1/year "camp tax")

While, here, sadly enough
is his obituary from a local newspaper,
locating his studio on North Clark
and mentioning his interests in music.
Other brief biographies mention that he
was born in Birmingham, England, and as a
a young man financed his studies in musical composition
by selling his paintings.
(BTW -- he remained a member until the day he died -
at which time the P&C dues had risen to
the astronomical fee of $15/quarter)

The paintings shown on this page
have been culled off the internet
(the Palette and Chisel's collection
will be presented later)

(apparently he had seen the work of
Hovsep Pushman)