Scholarship Winners - 2025
Bailey Katz
Hard to believe I’ve never seen her sculptures before - Bailey was in Audrey’s class way back when. It certainly is a delight to discover her now. Our aesthetics are pretty much on the same page: power, elegance, sweetness, freshness.
This figure feels familiar.
Was it derived from Eve on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ???
This piece feels even more familiar.
Gallery signage does not identify it as such - but I was told that Bailey said it was taken from Camille Claudel.
Camille Claudel
This piece was in the special Claudel exhibit at the Art Institute early last year.
(Gallery signage asserted it was more of a woman’s POV than the crouching Rodin figure shown nearby)
And I prefer Bailey’s rendition !
Less about anatomy - more about expressive form.
Bailey should quit her day job!
Lucy Ellen Smith
Lucy Ellen Smith
Someday I hope we get an exhibit that only shows coffee cups,
Arturo Aldama
He getting awfully close to crossing over from cartoon to classical.
Emilie Varlet
Matthew Braun, "Augury"
Makes no sense to me -
but then he does call himself a "maker of weird nattative"
Veronica Severini
Adam Holzrichter
Saw the above wrap-around mural a few years ago in a Chicago gallery.
You enter a land of enchantment every time nature calls.
He has a few drawings in this show, but could not photograph them through the reflections on the glass.
Possibly our only member to have studied with Odd Nerdrum in Norway.