I'm not even sure myself.
would not necessarily have made it any better.
And as always -- comments are invited.

Stephan Giannini
A simple little self-portrait head,
but the volume is so strong,
it commands a space
even when,
it casually leans against the wall

Stephan Giannini
Perhaps the P&C
should open a cabin in Amsterstam
(like we used to have on Fox Lake)
What clear, sweet
sense of beauty

Stephan Giannini
The idea of the urban environment as
translucently beautiful,
how strange for those who live in Chicago

Marci Oleszkiewicz
Such a simple, quick,
and effective characterization.
This is why Marci
was born to paint

Doug Wilke
I love these self-portraits
of the Palette and Chisel,
this one looking out through
the door of the second floor studio.
(and that's the portrait of Jerry Warshaw
hanging in the hallway)

Stuart Fullerton
What a fine, Summer day in Chicago,
and there always seems to be a story
in Stuart's cityscapes,
it's never just about the streets and buildings.

Lenin Del Sol
Another strongly modeled head,
this one presenting
the playful personality
of a favorite model

Mary Qian
A different,
more dramatic,
view of the same model

Mary Qian
Did Mary study in Munich ?
This one seems
so much like the Duvenecks
I remember from home

Barb Lockhart
Maybe it's all those
empty windows and doors
that make this scene feel so lonely

Fred Wackerle
Well, someone has to be
a post-Impressionist at the Palette and Chisel

Brian Minder
I love these strange
arrangements of space
that I think only come
from painting on site

Stuart Fullerton
Again, People are the focus
in Stuart's landscape,
and they're doing something.
Isn't this young couple talking
about their future ?

Keith Raub
A very nice portrait
of the artist's wife
(herself an artist),
and I'm thinking
15th C. Dutch painting.

Susan Gredell "Sunrise"
I like paintings that give me
a sense of being somewhere, some time

Alison Finnegan
And I like the light-hearted,

David Becker: Portrait of Alison Finnegan
This is quite a portrait of an artist
--- as a crouching tiger

OleszkiewiczThis one feels like people working
(I hate to work, myself,
but am glad others do)

Tim Leeming
For whatever reason,
this is just how Chicago's alleys
feel to me,
as I'm biking down them
on a Saturday afternoon

Michael Van Zeyl
It's kind of scary
how good Michael has gotten
over the past few years.

Michael Van Zeyl

Michael Van Zeyl
Yes, it's very scary.
Has he been channeling
William Merritt Chase ?
(I think there's something about Chase
visiting a P&C exhibition,
but, of course, that was before
we moved to North Dearborn)

Michael Van Zeyl
A delight in the colors and textures of the world.
Well... what a novel (pre-cubist)
idea for a still life !

Romel De La Torre
Another P&C member who was born to paint.
The portrait is statuesque,
and the flowers are worthy of
being a still-life on their own

Tom Francesconi
And what medium is better than watercolor
to express the feeling of a very wet day ?
With the rain falling, the sun shining,
and the people hurrying,
this moment feels so transitory

Michael Van Zeyl
Gosh dad, do I still have to hold still ?

Michael Van Zeyl

Marci Oleszkiewicz
The artist as hero.
I like it.
(this is a portrait of
Moissei Liangleben)

Scott Powers
This is one of those frozen moment paintings,
when you expect the spell to be broken,
and people to suddenly start moving again

Diane Rath
I think Diane does the Club's best florals.
Her blooms have personality,
a mature personality,
confident in their sensuality
(and just on the brink
of wilting)

Marci Oleszkiewicz
This isn't a "male gaze" is it ?
It belongs in a larger painting with
a coming-of-age theme
maybe to illustrate
that kind of novel

Stuart Fullerton
Adam - stricken with shame,
driven from the Garden
I can' t remember anyone else in the club
who puts their nudes
into a moral crisis

Leslie Dinelli
Are those little wings on her back ?
I can't remember - but I hope so.
What greater sign of the supernatural
than this large figure getting airborne
on those tiny wings.

Lois Raub
Worthy of Roman portraiture.
(note: Lois is depicted by husband,
earlier in this post)

Rich Bloomfield
Why must every nude be sensual ?
There's not much angst at the P&C
(except perhaps in the board meetings)

Larry Paulsen
This would be a nice detail
in the margins of an illustrated
recording the history of the Palette and Chisel

Janel Rouge

Chris Miller

Audrey Cramblitt
I guess I'm tongue tied
regarding me
and my fellow sculptors

Pablo Deleon
It's only some dry leaves and a pot,
but it seems to inhabit a mysterious world
that's different from all the other
still-lifes at the club

Marci Oleszkiewicz
Showing that Marci
can paint religious pictures
if the opportunity arrives

Jim Kujaca
A cheerful little bedroom
(but I'd like to see the figure on the bed!)

Jack Bair
This has the kind of rough, half-wild feeling
of Midwestern landscape paintings
from about 1870

Diane Rath
I always feel that Diane's flowers are elegant ladies,
and here they are
chattering with other
outside a church after a wedding

Dominic Vignola
A meticulous self-portrait
done by the paints and brushes themselves
(and the brushes are quite proud of themselves)

Cynthia Johnson
Who would have thought
to paint something like this
(whatever it is)