Saturday, February 25, 2017

Budget 2017

$148,000 general fund
$192,000 building fund
$2,300,000   air-rights fund
250 full-dues-paying members

What will we do with the air-rights windfall ?

There is talk of buying back the air rights over the coach house so we can add another floor.
This might create a studio for special workshops - so our regular workshops would no longer have to be cancelled to accommodate them.

My hope is that we begin to fund invitational exhibitions of non-member art -  to display the best portraits, landscape, and still life from the Chicago area and beyond.

Currently no such  venue exists.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Faculty Show 2017

Erroll Jacobson

The faculty show,
 like the classes at the Palette and Chisel Academy,
 is mostly about technique.
But the above painting is mostly about living in Chicago.

Steven Assael

Here's a piece that's all about technique -- and it's even didactic -- with helpful arrows to show the axis of the shoulders and the hips.

But it really swings!

I actually like it more than this artist's finished figure drawings - which feel too much like biological specimens to me. 

Audrey Cramblit

Audrey Cramblit


Helen Oh

Mary Qian

Steve Puttrich

Michael Van Zeyl

This one seems to capture the spirit of this moment in history.
  It would not be out of place in Lago Del Mar.
(or is it Mar a Lago - I always get the names confused)

Monday, February 06, 2017

Nude Winter: Marina Nemtseva and Boruch Lev

Boruch Lev

This looks a  bit  Classical, doesn't it?  It reminds me of an earlier East European immigrant, Elie Nadelman (1882-1946).  Both of them picked up the Greco-Roman tradition by choice rather than by formal education. It's amazing how good both of them got to be at it.

(note: this website, like the Palette and Chisel Gallery, is mostly about members of the Academy.  Boruch has yet to join. But exceptions can be made!)


(I've written more about Boruch here )

This was avant garde drawing about a hundred years ago.
It's still just as exciting

Boruch has the unusual ability to suggest the infinite on a  small piece of paper.

He's also good at Constructivism.

One of the rare examples of religious art shown at the Palette and Chisel. And even more rare for being so successful at it.

This depicts "The Great Tekiah" -- described on one Jewish site as : "A pure unbroken sound that calls man to search his heart, forsake his wrong ways, and seek forgiveness through repentance. The tekiah called the people to attention and to gather unto Moses. It is the calling note, calling your attention and holding you. It would be in general the summons to listen to God, to receive from Him the orders for the day."


In contrast to Boruch, Marina Nemtseva had a very thorough art education --- at one of the elite centers of Classical art in the 20th Century: the St. Petersburg Academy of the Arts.

Obviously, it involved lots of figure drawing - with much greater emphasis on expressive,dynamic  form and design than is usually found in American classical ateliers or the Palette and Chisel.

If museums showed collections of figure drawing by living Americans as much as 17th Century Italians, this piece might well be hanging now at the Art Institute.

Self Portrait

Here's some work by Marina's father, Viktor Tsvetkov:

 Self portrait
(looks a lot like Marina)

this piece was recently shown at the Russian Museum in Minneapolis