The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes (Via Email)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Attendance: Lenin Delsol, Pam Gibson, Lenore Murphy, John Dolan, Jack Beckstrom, Stuart Fullerton, Mary Qian, Jim Hajicek, Val Yachik and Bill Ewers.
1. The 2012 Budget was reviewed and approved unanimously.
The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Attendance: Lenin Delsol, Clayton Beck, Pam Gibson, Lenore Murphy, John Dolan, Jack Beckstrom, Stuart Fullerton, Mary Qian, Jim Hajicek, Val Yachik and Bill Ewers.
1. Minutes approved by John. Jack seconds. Motion carried.
2. Emphasis on a non-for-profit aspect of the P&C ideas are welcome, offering our walls for shows from outside parties, etc
3. Misha demo/lecture is discussed
4. Fall Clearance Sale was a success! More work sold than expected. Idea of raising the top price to $350.00 and Palette & Chisel’s portion to 35% is discussed.
5. Building: Roof work and tuckpointing have been completed.
6. Studios
–Model stand repair, new lighting arrangement for both studios, repairs to benches and easels discussed.
–Chat with monitors and members about cleanliness and general studio conduct as regards the state the studios are often left in after open workshops and classes finished.
7. Gold Medal Show discussed with dedication to Diane Rath, Phil Renaud, Mike Wilkins
8. Scholarship fund is becoming depleted. Solicitation letter is discussed.
Adding a box on the newsletter for extra donations. Obtaining endowments was discussed.
9. Condition of the front doors discussed.
10. New Members: Nicholas Moscalink, Grace Jeoung, Claudia Finn, Baktybek Asanbekov, Michelle Soncini, Rozsa Szerenyi, Lucas Bianchi, Lorri Kehl, Donald Valentin, Evelyn Brody.
11. John moves to accept. Pam seconds. Passed.
12. Plein Air Painters of Chicago (PAPC) partnership to the P&C discussed.
13. John motions for adjournment. Clayton seconds. Motion carried.
The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Wednesday September 7, 2011
Attendance: Lenore Murphy, John Dolan, Jack Beckstrom, Stuart Fullerton, Mary Qian, Jim Hajicek, Val Yachik and Bill Ewers.
1. Previous meetings minutes are reviewed. John motions for approval, Jack seconds, motion is passed.
2. Financial statement is reviewed.
3. Completed building projects since 1999 were discussed.
4. The roof needs to be repaired. We received a $5,500 bid from Kennedy Roofing, a trusted company that has done great work for us in the past. Lenore moves to approve up to $6,000 for the project. The motion is approved provided that at least one other bid is obtained.
5. New Members: Leon Borkowski, Julie Whitehead Holdsworth, Drev Sine, Nancy Littman, Michael Benson. John motions for approval, Lenore seconds. Motion approved.
6. The motion to repair the front and back doors is tabled to consider other options.
7. John moves to approve a new benefits package for staff. Motion approved.
8. John motions to adjourn, Stuart seconnds, motion carried, meeting adjourned.
The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Wednesday June 29, 2011
Attendance: Lenore Murphy, Jack Beckstrom, Stuart Fullerton, Mary Qian, Jim Hajicek, Pam Gibson, Val Yachik, Lenin Delsol and Bill Ewers.
1. Previous meetings minutes are reviewed. Lenore motions for approval, Jack seconds, motion is passed.
2. New board members are brought up to speed with the current state of Palette business.
3. Financial statements are reviewed. Leffel workshop a success all around, Demos for Diane fundraiser likewise. Both David Leffel and Scott Burdick donated their pieces without even being asked. A student of Leffel’s, Nadine Warner, also sold a painting and donated the proceeds to the event.
4. Plein Air Painters to be taken under the Palette and Chisel’s wing, meetings are still ongoing.
5. East Meets West Redux show to be held in the Palette’s gallery, to be composed of paintings from the former Murphy Hill gallery and members of the Palette and Chisel.
6. Anne Burke in concert with Misericordia will hold a charity event in the Palette and Chisel Galleries in October.
7. Tuck-pointing estimate is in and reasonable. Clayton motions to approve, Lenore seconds, motion passed.
8. Phil Renaud memorial to be held at the Palette is discussed.
9. New Members: Judy Brody, Christie Stewart, Alexandra Levanthal, Michael Rubenstein, Monica J. Klein, Ting-Itoras Chung, Nelson Ghorbanian, Kimberly Beck. Clayton moves for approval, Pam 2nds, motion is carried.
10. Jack motions to have an amendment written into the bylaws formalizing what we already do, I.E: board meetings being called when the executive board members see a need to hold a meeting. If at least 3 members want a meeting, they can get one. Val suggests we discuss it further.
11. Lenore motions to adjourn, Pam 2nds, motion carried, meeting adjourned.
The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, Mary Qian, John Dolan, Lenore Murphy, Lenin Delsol, Clayton Beck, Mike Wilkins, Bill Ewers
1. Minutes are reviewed and approved.
2. The need for new office computers is discussed. Prospective models to be researched by Clayton and Lenore.
3. New members - Laura Patterson, Tamera Beeker, Michael Valente, James Johnsen, Alexandra Kowerko, Diane Sepielli. John motions for approval, Lenore seconds. Motion approved.
4. New Business is discussed - Demo Weekend for Diane Rath. $200.00 for full weekend of painting demonstrations, $75.00 per individual demo. Plein Air Painters of Chicago to be folded in with the Palette & Chisel.
5. Standard Operating Procedures - Language to be further refined,
6. Val asks to have the S.O.P approved as discussed. Lenore motions to accept, John seconds. Motion approved.
7. John moves to adjourn, Lenore seconds. Motion approved.