Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sherrie McGraw Drawing Workshop

Yikes ! She can draw !

Sherrie McGraw

lives a bit too far away to become a P&C member,
but she certainly can draw the figure,
and she's teaching a week-long
drawing workshop here
in September.

What a fine class for the P&C to be hosting.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Monument for a Chicago Park

Recent P&C instructor,
Susan Clinard,

will join various city and trade union officials
in dedicating her new statue of

Samuel Gompers

in Gompers Park at Pulaski and Foster Ave
at 9:00 AM on Labor Day, 2007

(note: Ms. Clinard's portrait of Jane Ellen Murray
was recently installed in the P&C garden)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Platinum Show (Works On Paper)

Mort Luby

(note: this show was juried for prizes,
but since the juror, a local gallerist,
wished to remain anonymous,
I see no point in recording his decisions)

Robert Krajecki

Sergio Rocha

Tom Francesconi

J. Antonio Bedolla

John Handley

Kathleen Newman

Barb Lockhart

Moissei Liangeben

Andrea Vincent

Chad Aldrin

Charlotte Arnold

Lenin Delsol

Don Lindstrom

Friday, August 10, 2007

Juergens Confirmed

Yes, it turns out that the P&C Juergens
who exhbited in the 1915 Artists of Chicago Show
at the Art Institute was indeed Alfred Juergens
(whose artistic legacy was recently discovered in a west suburban attic)

(Note: the Samuel James Kennedy listed above
was the P&C member
responsible for the first and only modernist show at the club)

Juergens was also given a one-man show at the Art Institute
(back in the day when the museum supported local artists)

Here's his bio from the catalog of that exhibit

Here's a page from his sketch book,
currently kept in the archives
of the Ryerson Library.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Leviathan in the Garden

Occasional contributor to this blog,
Aaron Seckman was found last weekend
making preparatory sketches
with two models posing outdoors
in the P&C garden.

The expenses for this event
were fortuitously covered by a
grant from the City of Chicago

The subject involves
an allegory drawn from
"Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes.

Exhibit: Plein Aire Summer 2007

Fred Wackerle

(note: perhaps this exhibit is better titled
"Landscape painters of the Palette and Chisel"
since many of the paintings were not done outdoors
or by the members of the Plein Aire painting group)

Fred Wackerle

Brian Minder

Jane Ellen Murray

Kathleen Newman

Leslie Outten

Rita Rogan

Jim Kujaca

Misha Livshultz

Misha Livshultz

Mort Luby

Nancie Mertz

Nancy Albrecht

John Cooper

Pablo DeLeon

Kevin Hunter

Errol Jacobson

Ed Wentz

Stuart Fullerton

Stuart Fullerton

Linda Vice