Sunday, November 29, 2009

George Shipperley in The Pastel Journal

Better late than never,
I finally found this article
about George Shipperley
in the February, 2007 edition
of "The Pastel Journal"

And here's some quotes:

"The best thing about a painting is sometimes its imperfection.
Imperfection carries the beauty, the individuality. It's expressive"

"intelligence gets in the way of emotion. It's analytical, while emotional impulses aren't"

"I often tell my students that when they start subtracting rather than adding to their work, they are thinking as an artist should"

"as Renoir once said, I want to paint beautiful pictures,
because there is so much in life that is not beautiful"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Exibit: Studio Sale 2009

Virginia Zielinski
(sure hope we see more of her)

Being an exhibit of
small paintings
priced under $300
(many of which are gone
by the time my camera arrives)

Jim Hajicek

(portrait of Cassia)

Stephen Giannini

Stephen Giannini

Dan Coonfield

George Clark

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Exhibit: Brodny and Kovalevskaya

Here's Phyllis,
artist, aesthete,
and antique dealer
who has assembled here
a retrospective for her own work,
as well as for an artist whom she admires,
Marina Kovalevskaya,
and to top it off.....

an exhibit of contemporary

and antique jewelry.

(the above piece was raffled off
to raise funds for the neighboring Newberry Library)

She met Marina Kovalevskaya
when Marina had just emigrated from Russia
and briefly had joined the Palette and Chisel.
(one of many Russians who have done so
over the past decade)

Can you tell that she
had a different kind of
art education
than is available to Americans?

She works in a variety of 20th C. Russian idioms

in styles
that recall
masters like
Matveev and Erzya

an appropriate reaction
to the major events
of the 20th Century

Here's Phyllis' own work

The Gourd Family
(Phyllis' neighbors
who live down the hall)

The Gourd Family
(now ready
for assisted living)

A winter view of the front yard
(for those living on Lake Shore Drive)

(Note: this exhibit was reviewed here )

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Board Minutes : 2010

The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors’ Electronic Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, Mary Qian, John Dolan, Rich Morrow, Michael Wilkins, Lenore Murphy, Bill Ewers

1. The 2011 budget was reviewed and approved.

The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, Mary Qian, John Dolan, Lenore Murphy, Lenin Delsol, Bill Ewers

1. Minutes are reviewed and approved. John Dolan moves for approval, Jack seconds.

2. Financial report is reviewed.

3. It is proposed that Studio rents are to be raised 10%. Rents had previously been raised 2 years ago. John Dolan moves for approval, Lenin Delsol seconds. Motion approved

4. A Helen Graham scholarship for Misha is discussed, the motion for approval is made by John, Jack seconds. Motion approved.

5. New Members: Kenneth Alexander, Katarzyna Karbowiak, Maryjane O’Conner, Jean Yang, Kianoosh Jafari, Jose Zendejar. Memberships approved.

6. Jack Beckstrom’s standard operating procedure:
To assist the Recruiting Advisory Group, the Executive Director shall send a letter to all Voting Members six (6) weeks before any election meeting, requesting that they notify him if they wish to stand for election to any director or officer position to be filled at said meeting. A week later he or she shall send an e-mail follow-up along the same lines to all Voting Members on the Artist Member e-mail list. All responses to such communications will be relayed by the Executive Director to the Recruiting Advisory Group.

7. Discussion of a S.O.P handbook to be created for procedures throughout the Palette and Chisel.

8. Palette advertising is discussed. The idea of the Palette being utilized by students of various Art Schools in addition to, or as a way to keep up/further develop the skills gained from their formal tutelage.

9. Repairs are needed for the front and back doors, chandelier is to be restored. The idea of an appeal letter describing these problems was discussed.

10. The need for exterior gallery signage was discussed. The idea of a sandwich board style sign was examined.

11. Electric blinds for the 3rd floor studio were spoken of.

12. John motions to adjourn, Lenin seconds.

The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts

Board of Directors Electronic Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, Lenin Delsol, Clayton J. Beck III, John Dolan, Mary Qian and Jan Tracy

1. John moves to approve the previous meetings minutes, Clayton 2nds.

2. Financials are reviewed.

3. Jack moves to approve his motion for standard operating procedure for advisory group.


Jan 2nds. The motion passed.

4. Summer sale is discussed.

5. Progress on the Bridgman project is reviewed. Lenin makes motion for club to go forward on restoration, Clayton 2nds, motion is carried.

6. Per belated annual review, Bill to be paid a bonus $2,500.00 in monthly installations of $500.00. Carried by all.

7. The question of a glossy, high quality catalog, describing the Palette & Chisel's history and classes is discussed. Printing costs for a 30 page catalog are to be looked into.

8. New Members: Ali Kadum, Alex Bauwens, Abram Keranan, Randal Matheis and Frank Fitzgerald. Approved.

9. John Dolan Motions for adjournment, Jan 2nds.

The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors’ Electronic Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, Lenin Delsol, Charlotte Arnold, Clayton J. Beck III, Lenore Murphy, Mary Qian, Jan Tracy and Mike Wilkins

1. Minutes are reviewed and approved. Lenin motions to approve, Mary seconds.

2. Presentation given by Anne McMurray regarding garden furniture and possible alternative to limestone paving in Palette garden.

3. Treasurer’s report: Audit reviewed, Budget reviewed.

4. June marks the beginning of extended hours for the long pose workshops on Mondays and Wednesdays. From 9.00 am - 5.00 pm.

5. Early attendance rule change a maximum of 1.5 hours before workshop start as opposed to 2 hours prior.

6. Monitors are asked to read and sign studio rules.

7. Board informed that Ed and Jane Ellen Wentz have graciously paid for the new plants in the P&C garden.

8. Jack motions to create standard operating procedures, Lenin seconds, and subject is tabled for further review.

9. Summer fund raiser: Small and Smaller painting sale as opposed to the experimental Cityscape sale of last year.

10. Palette & Chisel Staff raises: subject to further review.

11. New members: Daniel Morris and Adam Nowak... Approved

12. Lenore motions to adjourn, Lenin seconds, Motion approved.

The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Board of Directors’ Electronic Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, John Philbin Dolan, Lenin Delsol, Charlotte Arnold, Clayton J. Beck III, Rich Morrow, Lenore Murphy, Mary Qian, Jan Tracy and Mike Wilkins

1. Bridgman Drawing: Val wants to divide the project into two phases. The divisions are A. restoration and B. framing. To date we are at approx. $5000 to restore and $2500 to frame. Motion: Val is authorized to develop final recommendations on the restoration phase of the drawing and report to the board prior to any financial commitment. The board will vote to authorize the initiation of the restoration and accompanying dollar approval at that time. Lenin moves and Mary seconds. Motion approved.

2. Building & Grounds Report:
A. At this writing, we need to do some maintenance and repair work on the boiler...this is a must do as the heat doesn't want to work...
B. Garden. Bill's sister donated flagstone so we can move ahead on that project this spring. We will get quotes for your approval prior to initiating the project.
C. Roof Leak. The contractor is coming this weekend to start repairing it.
D. Misc. projects... when we feel more secure about our financial standing in light of the recession; we will add "tabled" projects back into the mix...1st priority will be the front door...then the chandelier, perhaps signage, etc.

3. Marketing Report: I'm sure you have seen the new WEB site that allows online registration and better depicts what we're all about. We will be fine tuning the website as we realize necessary changes. We are finishing a Quick Sketch that touts the site and will develop an ad/marketing campaign that "spreads the news". My feeling is that we should initiate a "tease" campaign to get prospective P&Cers to the site and let the site do the selling.

4. Scholarship: Lenore Murphy and Linda White recently judged the scholarship contest. There were more than 20 applicants. We awarded 3 non-member scholarships and 1 member scholarship to Misha Liangleben. Many of the non-member applicants have decided to join the P&C.

5. Education: Classes with only a couple of hitches are showing good attendance. At this writing, both Rath and Schneider's workshops have had very good responses. Leffel threw us a curve ball by cutting back to only one week (approx $5000 less income). He might come again in the fall, if not, we need bring in a money maker or two (maybe Rose Frantzen). We need to move on this one way or the other soon. Open studios continue to be extremely well attended. We are working to fine tune the schedules, teachers and subjects for the open studios, and school. As you have seen, the basement classroom is being converted to a "still life" open studio area.

6. Exhibition: As predicted, exhibition sales are slow at best. I am still working on a couple of outside shows that basically would be PR events (Vanderpoel, Schmidlings) but am less encouraged than before. We will report back as we head further into the year. We may have to look at the gallery's function as a "profit center" at some point in the future.

7. Elections. Elections will be sometime in April this year. Per the bylaws, we need to send out the member letter soliciting candidates shortly (perhaps we can expand the letter to develop a list of those who would like to serve in one capacity or another either now or in the future). Cathy Barry is chairing the advisory committee.

8. Historian: I would like to name Stuart Fullerton as our "official", unofficial historian. His passion, research, interest and knowledge of our past and historical record provide a much needed service. Our approval would give him the authority to work on projects (with specific approvals) with our blessing and on our behalf. He continues to develop AV history presentations and I would like to work with him to develop some sort of a photo montage display on our history that would reside somewhere near the front door. Also, I could see Stuart working to better develop our history for the WEB site. Lenin moves and Mary seconds. Motion: Stuart Fullerton be named as P&C historian with capacities to be determined by the board. Motion approved.

9. Misc:
A. Spring Cleaning sale is March 27. We probably want to do another summer fund raiser perhaps expanding last year’s effort.
B. Madron Gallery is having a museum like show on Robert Vonnoh, a very well respected (but less well known) American impressionist and portrait painter from the l9th and early 20th century. It will also travel to the Butler in Ohio.
C. Mrs. Ott donated the remaining Arnold Turtle paintings to the club to do with "as we see fit". We will probably want to move some to maybe help fund the drawing restoration.
D. Bill has not had a salary increase in 2 years; he and I are working on a recommendation.

Exhibit: Dave Becker's Watercolor Class

Dave Becker

Dave Becker

Susan Gredell
(she could be painting Japanese screens)

Susan Gredell
(she must have seen the Homer exhibit last year)

Majorie Derrah

Keith Raub (Self Portrait)

Joan Miller

Joan Miller

Helen Kessler

Helen Kessler

Clare Tate

Cathy Wiener

Cathy Wiener
(immediately identifiable as a place in Door County)

Carole Giovacchini