Summer Suite 2014
Bodo Stolczenberger
There's about five of us who draw at each and every drawing workshop we can get to - and I assume that the other four share my philosophy: if you draw often enough, eventually one will turn out good - or at least as good as this one.
Peggy Sanders
This luscious pastel dates back more than twenty years.
I wish she still did this kind of thing.
Peggy Sanders
She's gotten more classical over time -- must be channeling Watteau
Ralph Paquet
Here's a new member- to both the Palette and Chisel and the "Summer Suite" annual exhibit.
Like most of the early members, he's a graphic arts professional -- with LOTS of experience.
He works at the same shop as Mary Klug.
I love to look at bad girls --i.e. girls who will make as much trouble as they are desirable.
Mary Klug
Once you tune in to Mary Klug's weird vibration -- it's very difficult to tune out her community of hapless middle class women
Mary has perfectly captured a typical moment in friendship.
Both weird and normal -- which would apply just about every social interaction.
Michele Soncini
Rob Waters
Hah! Must be all dressed up for last weekend's Pride Parade