Monday, October 26, 2015

2015 Open House

Andrew Conklin

Chicago Architecture Foundation's Open House Chicago has been drawing several thousand visitors to 1012 N. Dearborn every Fall, so it's no surprise that some of our best pieces are put on display, even if the exhibit only runs for one weekend.

Margaret Trboyevic


Arlene Tribbia

This kind of work hasn't been seen much in the P&C  since it held a mock-modernism exhibit about a hundred years ago.

Christina Body
I first liked this painting when it appeared in Christina's solo exhibit earlier this year.

Mary Qian

All the private studios were open for the day. Here's Mary's portrait of Ed Wentz as an  English gentleman.  It's hanging in his studio.

Errol Jacobson

His gallery has questioned why Errol left out the faces. But it makes sense to me - as it heightens the sense of anonymity and urban loneliness that seems to be Errol's principal theme.

 Errol Jacobson

More loneliness - after a long day at the office.

Errol Jacobson

It's as if you were seeing Errol's images in the mind's eye - rather than in sunlight.

Helen Oh

Misha Livshulz

Here's another painting that has been shown several times before - but that's O.K.. It's my favorite among all the views that Misha has painted looking out the P&C dining room window.

Nancie King Mertz

A nice sense of sweet, well-worn exhaustion -- from both the old theater and from the hard working artist who has been so prolific.

Tobin Richter

If only those damned Mets hadn't frustrated, yet again, the North Side's impossible dream.

 Mark Huddle
Here's another painting that was shown earlier this year. I really like it, and hope that its creator makes more urban scenes.
Larry Paulsen

I hope the Palette and Chisel does not become a photography club -- but people who draw and paint do make unusual photographs.

And there's nothing like being young, sexy, and bored.

Though it's not a hard and fast rule, it does seem that the  radiator in the small  gallery has been reserved for male fantasies.


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