Oskar Gross and Louis Sullivan

The experts agree:
"This is one of the finest architecture shows
to appear in Chicago in a long time"
So, of course, it had to include
the work of someone
from the Palette and Chisel,
in this case, Oskar Gross
The above were studies
made for one of Sullivan's
later projects,
the People's Savings Bank
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
and is quite similar
to the Robert Fleury murals done
in the Rudolph Ganz Memorial Hall
on the seventh floor
of the Auditorium Theater Building.

Oskar lost this job
to another artist.

But here's one of his murals
done earlier
for Sullivan's bank
in Owatonna, Minnesota.
But wait!
Oskar isn't the only member
of the Palette and Chisel
with work in this exhibit.
Stephen Giannini painted
the above floral garland
as it once appeared
in the Garrick Theatre.
The Sullivan exhibit will be in the Chicago Rooms
of the Chicago Cultural Center
until November 28
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