Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sam Rosenthal and Ralf Feyl

Sam Rosenthal
stopped by my shop today
to reminisce
about the Schmid era
at the Palette and Chisel. (c. 1990)

I haven't seen him for a long time,
but it turns out he has a studio
in Forest Park less than a mile from where I live.

And, as you can see above,
he can sometimes be seen
on the streets of Chicago.

Looks like Chicago to me.

He reminded me of another young artist
from those days,
Ralf Feyl
who moved to Maine


He's good, isn't he?

And here's a little snippet from Ralf's bio:

In Chicago he was a student at the renowned American Academy of Art, and he also trained at that city’s Palette and Chisel Academy


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