Friday, August 24, 2012

Tim Leeming in the Wednesday Journal

This blog has often featured the paintings of Tim Leeming (because he puts them in our shows -- and I like them)

But now, he has also caught the attention of The Wednesday Journal where I saw his face this morning, staring out from the front page of Oak Park's local weekly newspaper.

And, according to the text, someone in the Palette and Chisel gave him the idea to paint criminals:

Leeming, who has been working as a criminal defense lawyer for about 30 years, first got the idea for the series from a friend in the Chicago art club he belongs to. Artists are supposed to document their times, he said, and the idea arose during a time when urban areas were experiencing high crime rates and an unprecedented number of incarcerations.

By the way, there's quite a few reader comments at the end of the internet edition of the story - mostly taking Tim to task for 'romanticizing' reprobates.


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