Friday, August 30, 2019

Antonio Bedolla

These paintings and  drawings
appear to closely follow a very strict regimen:

sharp, clean execution
delicacy of detail
strong sense of three dimensional volumes
pleasant, balanced  graphic design
the convincing presence of a subject

They also create a peaceful, charming facial expression,
perfectly articulating the eyes
when the face has been slightly turned.

... and most importantly for me ... 

they offer recognizable features of so many of people
 who have modeled at the Palette and Chisel 
 as well as some of the furniture and draperies found in the studio.

A hundred years ago Tony would have been too busy
making illustrations for glossy magazines
to still work at the CFD.

This one looks like it could fit right into a classical re-creation
by Alma-Tadema

Goofy hair and intelligent eyes.

Could be a cannabis entrepreneur.

looks like she was runner-up
for harvest queen.

that drapery in the background looks quite familiar


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