Tuesday, March 13, 2018

budget 2018

It looks like we're getting  about $60,000 annually in interest from the air-rights windfall - which is how much  the income exceeds the expenses.

We budget for 250 members.  There's about $200,000 in both the operating and the building accounts.

That's good news.

Except that we're not a business.  We do not need to increase the wealth of shareholders.

That $60,000 should be used to expand our activity as an art educational organization.

It's my dream that the P-and-C sponsor  annual invitational  non-member exhibitions of mimetic visual art - alternating between portraits,  landscapes,  still-life, full figure,  animalier, etc.  All such genres are categorically excluded from  museums of contemporary art.  If we don't stand up for them, who will?

We may now be the only mimetic arts organization in the country who can afford to do this.

What's  stopping us ?


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