Closet Sale - 2012
Aaron Miller
Not to be too critical
of the work of our membership,
but I do think
that smaller is usually better
as far as we are concerned.
Aaron Miller
And not to root too hard
for the home team,
but I do think
that some of the best
contemporary outsider art
is to be found in this show.
(and what could "outsider artist" possibly mean
if it does not include all those
who paint compulsively,
and primarily for themselves,
regardless of their apparent
skill and knowledge)
Aaron Miller
And I can't believe
that these paintings
were all selling
for under $300,
and many of them
hardly half of that.
Aaron Miller
Ali Hasmut
It's so delightful
to compare Aaron's and Ali's
contrasting approaches to the nude.
Ali Hasmut
Ali Hasmut
Ali Hasmut
Clayton J. Beck III

George C. Clark
Errol Jacobson
It's fun to see Errol paint a recognizable model
the same way he paints a street scene
through a blurry car window
Juan J. Ramirez
Juan J. Ramirez
Stephanie Weidner
Home sweet home.
I'm trying to contact Mr. Ramirez to see if I just bought a painting of his. It's the front view of a man with a morphed pepsi can & toothpaste tube... hard to explain, very compelling. Please let me know!
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