Saturday, May 01, 2010

P&C at Chicago Artopolis 2010

Fred Mulhaupt

Only found two P&C members
in Artopolis this year.

(although, the exhibit is so extensive
I'm sure I missed a few more)

The above landscape
looked so much like early 20th C.
Palette and Chisel,
I would have been surprised
if a non-member had painted it.

(BTW - it was priced at $70,000
and looking back through
previous posts,
it's been offered for
sale at the last
two Antiques Fairs)

While this painting,
also hanging on the 8th floor (Antiques)
had me intrigued
and stumped
until the dealer,
Rita Bucheit
revealed that it was done
by a Chicago painter
Dorian Allworthy
who, coincidentally,
has recently joined the Palette and Chisel.

Aren't antiques supposed to be
at least a hundred years old?

Dorian is no older than I am,
but her painting certainly
fits in a room with
the classic Viennese furniture
that Ms. Bucheit sells.


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