Saturday, September 19, 2009

Issues before the membership
Art Links
- American Impressionist Society
- Midwest Paint Group
- Chicago Contemporary Figurative
- Illinois Historical Art Project
- Illinois Women's Artist Project
- Plein Air Painters of Chicago
- Handprint
- John Sargent Gallery
- Anders Zorn Gallery
- Joaquin Sorolla Museum
- Andrew Loomis
- Art Renewal Center
- Magazine cover artists
- Outdoor Painting Dot Com
Why no comments or observations by you on the fine show at the P&C by James F. Hajicek and Larry Paulson? I feel your blog would have better served everyone who hadn't seen the show, not to mention the P&C, had it included a half dozen more images. You did such a thorough job on Andy Chen's magnificent show last month. A bit more coverage would be helpful to artists emerging from the shadows as it were. While Larry Paulsen, a draughtsman of considerable abilities, has had a long and productive career as a commercial artist, he has set off in a more independant direction and that combined with the fact that his show was up for all of, what, a week, is exactly the service your blog ought to step up to provide. The further absence of your rakish wit and galloping verse made for an avoidably impoverished This Old Palette entry.
Don Colley
I did write this review for New City, but regretfully, it was rejected. (that week, they only printed my pistol-whipping of a magical realist.)
But, thankyou for the encouragement to be more opinionated! (as if I needed any)
I've tried to hold my tongue on P&C shows, because who needs more enemies?
But, come to think of it, at this point, I have nothing to lose, so perhaps I will share more of my rakish wit on this blog in the future.
BTW - I wish you'd join the club, so I could write some galloping verse about your P&C exhibits as well.
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