Sunday, May 24, 2009

2009 Election

Just got this curious letter in the mail,
signed by
"The Palette and Chisel Recruiting Advisory Group"

And who are they?

According to the By-laws:

Section 1. Recruiting Advisory Group. The Board of Directors shall establish a recruiting advisory group each January. The purpose of the recruiting advisory group shall be to prepare a list of Voting Members who are willing to serve either in the capacity of Director or Officer and to stand for election at the next annual or voting meeting. Voting members may have their names placed on such list simply by notifying the recruiting advisory group to add their names to the list.

But the minutes of the Board
record that the Board
did no such thing in 2009.

So -- who is this committee -
which was never established,
never reported to the Board,
and presumably never met?

(I've been told that it consists of one person,
carried over from last year's committee.
But guess what:
there is no record of that committee ever having
been established, reported, or convened.

If we've got by-laws --

shouldn't we attempt follow them?

The point of having a
Recruitment Advisory Committee
is to get new people involved.


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