Thursday, September 21, 2017

Plein Air Painters of Chicago - 2017

 Albert York (1928-2009)

Regretfully, Albert York was not a member of the PAPC -- but this painting  certainly exemplifies the qualities that many of them pursue.

A freshness - and a wonderful density of balance.

This small painting came to Art  Expo Chicago this year.

Wilson Irvine (1869-1936)

Wilson Irvine was long gone when the PAPC first began -- but he was just in time to join the fledging Palette and Chisel Club.  This painting was done on a field trip to the Smokies.

 Caitlyn Hwang

A wonderfully different sense of color and design.

Don Yang

 Don Yang

Errol Jacobson

This feels like a very hot day.

 Laurie Kennard

Mary Longe

 Stephanie  Weidner

 Stephanie  Weidner

 Steve Johnson, "Pancake Breakfast"

A piece that crosses over into the territory of "American Scene" painting.

It certainly brings back happy memories.

My favorite painting in the show.

Steve Puttrich


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