Saturday, April 12, 2008

Open House: 2008

The P&C
invited the public
into the workshops this Saturday

where they could see
the Masters at work

not bad for 3 hours,
but will it ever get any better?

Diane Rath was giving a floral demo
in the main gallery

(and that's where the crowd went)

A local troop of boy scouts
being given a special tour

The highlite
of the day

being Stuart Fullerton's
History of the Palette and Chisel Club 1895-1921

the era when it met in the Athenaeum building
on Van Buren between Michigan and Wabash

The lecture was essentially a tribute to
the founding members,
especial Frank Holme,
who was identified as the ringleader
of the high-spirited fun
for which the club became renowned.

But it was also a tribute to Frank Hensley,
shown above on the screen behind Stuart.

Frank served as un-official club historian
for several decades.

He loved American Impressionism,
so he was especially interested in many
of the early club members.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed Stuart's lecture. I'm sure it was enlightening and a lot of fun.

April 25, 2008  

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