Board Minutes: 2006
January 16, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl (new Treasurer) , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Mike Wilkins, Clayton Beck III, Ralph Cossentino, Jane Ellen Murray, Cathy Barry, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Wilkins moves to approve December minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Office will present Income/Expense statement for the Operating account beginning at the next board meeting.
3. Regarding the scope of expenditures assigned to the Building Fund -- Val will prepare a schedule that will restrict those expenditures to capital building improvements -- but will also provide for a fund to be set aside to handle sudden, large expenses like boiler and roof repair/replacement.
4. Wilkins moves to approve new Member -- Aaron Sackman -- approved by unanamous vote:
5. Meeting Adjourned.
February 20, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Mike Wilkins, Ed Wentz, Jack Beckstrom, Linda Vice,
Cathy Barry, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Wilkins moves to approve January minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Bill will meet with Chris concerning his requested Income/Expense statement for the Operating account .
3. Val will write a proposal concerning the building fund which will limit it to renovation and major repairs. He will set a dollar figure to define 'major' and he will set a reserve which the fund must maintain to be ready to cover major repairs.
4. Chris and Val will present the wording for their proposed bylaws changes to the next meeting.
5. Val presented his goals for 2006. (Bill -- please attach them) Chris suggested that they include "increase member participation"
6. Ed presented his design for P&C mailings
7.Bill will mail an election announcement to all the artist members, listing and describing all the board positions that are open for election at the next quarterly --- and Bill asks anyone who is interested in running (including board members seeking re-election) to inform the office of their candidacy.
8.Quarterly meeting is set for 3/28, Next board is set for 3/20
9. Meeting Adjourned.
March 20, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Mike Wilkins, Ed Wentz, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Wilkins moves to approve February minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Office will hire a person to estimate the potential major capital expenses ($500-$1000)
3. Beckstrom will draw up a lease for 2 statues to the P&C
4. The exhibits committee will meet March 27 to discuss how the permanent collection will be displayed
5. Rich Morrow will get an estimate for the cost of a round table for the library
6. Those who are interested will ask various people to serve on the election advisory committee
7. Miller will show Ewers how to make a P&C blog
8. New members approved unanamously: (motion by Wilkins)
Vladimir Tartakoves
Tim Coman
Kevin Hunter
Kimlien Tran
Douglas Stephens
9. Board members will submit issues of legal interest to Janet Tracy who will
arrange for her law firm to provide pro-bono seminars on the topics.
April 17, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Chris Miller (taking minutes), Jack Beckstrom,
, Jane Ellen Murray, Linda Vice, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director). (Ed Wentz and
Cathy Barry confirmed votes by telephone by the following day)
1. Beckstrom moves to approve March minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Val will select paintings to go into library - taking into consideration choices indicated by those who attended the exhibition committee meeting the previous month
3. Val moved to approve the new member: John Tran. Passed unanamously
May 22, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Cathy Barry, Marion Steffy, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Murray moves to approve April minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Val will share his profit-center performance report with the board next month
3. Expert estimates to evaluate building repair costs have been running around $2000 -- which is more than the board had agreed to spend. Alternative approaches will be presented next month -- perhaps just to estimate expenses for a few major areas:
roof (both buildings), back stairway, and boiler.
4.Timetable for the board elections will be:
by next week: incumbents should announce whether they will be running again
sometime later: names of candidates/vacancies will be posted on an election blog
by July 1 : election ballot will be mailed to voting members
third week of July: election meeting will take place
5. Steffy moves to approve the following new members: (approved unanamously)
Vinko Lisnic Jr.
Jeanne Licari
Karen Farnsworth
Dennis Tai Piu Tsang
6. Janet Tracy announced that her law firm would consider performing pro-bono work for those associated with the Palette and Chisel -- regarding any legal work (including non-art related issues) they might need done. Those interested should submit their requests to the P&C office.
7. The following motions will be presented to the board next month:
1. To create an advisory board for the purpose of raising an endowment.
(the first two members would be attorneys from Janet Tracy's law firm)
2. To create a Corporate Interface Committee for the purpose of creating awareness of the Pallete and Chisel in the corporate community of Chicago. (the first members would include Yachik, Beckstrom, Ewers, Wentz)
Janet Tracy has invited Val and others to visit the offices of her law firm and discuss these activitees with two of her colleagues.
8. Meeting adjourned -- board members invited to comment on Yachik's selected paintings for display in the library (based on history, cash value, and aesthetics (in that order))
June 19, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Chris Miller (taking minutes), Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Cathy Barry, Marion Steffy, Linda Vice, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Beckstrom moves to approve May minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Chris will prepare a plan for cleaning/maintaining the coach house sculpture studio
by September 1
3. Chris will propose ways to increase sculpture workshop and class attendance.
Bill will interview former students concerning why they left.
4. Murray moved to approve Edgar Cvarezma for membership. Approved unanamously.
5. Janet Tracy moved:
To create an advisory board for the purpose of raising an endowment.
(the first two members would be attorneys from Janet Tracy's law firm)
Approved unanamously.
6. Janet Tracy moved:
To create a Corporate Interface Committee for the purpose of creating awareness of the Pallete and Chisel in the corporate community of Chicago. Approved unanamously.
7. Quarterly election meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 18
Board will meet on the 24th
8. Jan Tracy moved as follows: people who are in Palette and Chisel shows must
commit to contribute in some way toward the exhibition. Motion approved, Yachik and Miller opposed.
July 24,2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Bill Ewers, Clayton J Beck III, Rich Morrow, Lenore Murphy, Linda Vice, Mike Wilkins, Janet Tracy, Dominic Vignola, Jane Ellen Murray, Michael Van Zeyl, David Paul.
1. Michael Wilkins moves to approve June minutes. Approved unanimously.
2. Val - Discussed hanging the permanent collection. Clayton Beck made a suggestion for a “Wall of Fame” (This would show the history of fine artist that have been members of P&C). Bill Ewers will work with Frank Hensley on getting Historical info on past members.
3. Val discussed finance of P&C; i.e., Raised studio rentals, met forecast of budget. Questions were raised regarding raising dues or open studio fees, limiting number of coupons books available to one individual. Changing membership types in bylaws to promote more memberships.
4. Exhibitions rates to be reviewed to include prorating exhibitions during summer months. July and August.
5. Board wants to find out who the Palette and Chisel competes with in the Chicago market. Also to consider a plan of action to counteract our competitors.
6. Treasurer report: Bill Ewers: Budget was off due to David Leffel workshop being at end of quarter. Budget will be in line for coming quarter.
7. Jane Ellen Murray called for volunteers to help in the garden.
8. Rich Morrow volunteered to head up “Quick Sketch”.
9. Silver Medal Show also called Platinum Show. Questions were raised on who to judge this show. Bill Ewers will call galleries to have someone judge show and will pull a list of judges.
10. Michael Van Zeyl- will contact Art Students league of New York to get info on Air Rights.
11. Clayton Beck will get info on raising the skylight on 3rd floor studio.
12. Mike Wilkins motioned to adjourn meeting.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Dominic Vignola, Mike Wilkins, Bill Ewers,
Clayton J. Beck III, Cathy Barry, Rich Morrow, Linda Vice, Jane Ellen Murray,
David Paul, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy
1) Michael Wilkins moved to approve minutes. Approved unanimously.
2) Jack Beckstrom: moved to accept proposal from Janel Rouge on overseeing Sculpture operations: (See proposal for details). Approved unanimously
3) The Board will look into central A/C for third floor. Bill Ewers will head up this project.
4) Chris Miller’s proposal for expansion of coach house studio was presented to the Board.
5) New Members: Mike Wilkins motioned to approve the following new member applicants: Linda White, Ann Weibel and Loretta Yoder. Approved unanimously.
6) Richard Schmid: The board wants to do a fundraiser
7) Rose Frantzen: coming to town
8) A motion was made (by Val) that the individual member links on our website be restricted to members’ artwork and that nothing other than the art work itself, the title of the artwork and the price are permitted on the website to which we link. The Palette & Chisel reserves the right to cancel any link from the P&C to any website in its sole discretion. The motion was passed unanimously.
9) Donors Group: Janet Tracy: Advisory Committee has been established and ready to come and review the P&C.
Janet Tracy: Pro Bono: Legal Advice will be put into future “Quick Sketch” i.e apply for pro bono services (possibility of inquiring on Health Insurance)
9) Linda Vice motioned to adjourn.
---------- The following is the proposal approved in item 2 above-----------
Dear Palette and Chisel Board,
I am proposing the board creates a position of studio technician for the sculpture house. I would like to fill this position with duties including:
· Responsible for scheduling firings
· Keeping studio policies in effect
· General upkeep, promotion, and directional motivation
I have been taking the initiative to act in this position, and would like to continue year round, in addition to teaching in the spring/summer. Not only have I donated countless hours to organization but have given items including an air conditioner, shelving, and fabrics. Instead of being paid to do this I am asking that my membership dues be granted, courtesy of the board.
I am qualified for this position, as I have preformed these duties for Ox Bow Summer School of Art, as well as the Beacon Street Gallery as the Master Artist Coordinator.
If it is required I attend a meeting, for this proposal to be approved please let me know. Thank You.
Sincerely, Janel Rouge
-------------------- the following is the proposal offered in item 4 above ----
As I recorded for item #3 of the June/06 minutes of the board:
" Chris will propose ways to increase sculpture workshop and class attendance.
Bill will interview former students concerning why they left."
I don't what Bill has come up with, but my proposal is as follows:
The most effective change the P&C can make is to increase the size of the sculpture
studio -- which currently becomes difficult beyond 6 people -- uncomfortable beyond 8 -- and impossible beyond 10.
This is not currently a problem for our under-attended workshops and classes ---- however,attendance ebbs and flows -- and every few years or so we get a sculpture teacher who can attract and keep a large following. When this happens, the limited size of our space provides a strong incentive for them to take their classes elsewhere. This happened twice over the past 12 years -- with Amri Amrany and Susan Clinard -- and I suspect it will continue to happen in the future. Would Clayton Beck or Romel de la Torre still teach painting here if their maxium class size were 8 ?
A larger studio would also allow small-classes and small-workshops to share the same studio time and model -- cutting the expenses for each -- and giving new students the opportunity of working beside those who are more experienced -- and it would allow -- finally -- for some special sculpture two-or-three day workshops to occur (just as they do now for painters with David Leffel etc)
How can the studio be made larger ? By removing the wall that separates it from the storage rooms, and making the adjoining northwest studio (currently one of the two private studios of a current board member) the new storage room. As recorded in the minutes of Nov. 17,2004: "2. Bill Ewers will get prices for the removal of interior wall in coach house main studio." ---- but now, two years later, still don't think anything has been done.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Dominic Vignola, Bill Ewers, Cathy Barry, Rich Morrow, Linda Vice, Jane Ellen Murray, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Michael Van Zeyl
1) Jane Ellen Murray moved to approve the revised minutes. The changes are reflected in the August minutes. Approved unanimously.
2) Jane Ellen thanked Rich, Val and Bill for how well the newsletter looked. She also thanked Clayton and Val for hanging the permanent collection in the library.
3) The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Board.
4) New Members: Cathy Barry moved to approve the following new member applicants: Stacey Street, Bruce Bilek, Kathy Spiess and Leslie Wolf. Approved unanimously.
5) The Board approved Audry Cramblit to replace Susan Clinard for the rest of the semester. Approved unanimously. Bill reported that Susan wished to have bi-annual sculpture workshops at the P&C.
6) Janet Tracy reported that Stuart Shapiro will be available to counsel P&C members on obtaining affordable health insurance.
7) Jack Beckstrom moved to forgive the Building Account debt to the General Account for the purpose of strengthening the Building Account. The motion was tabled until the next meeting.
8) Michael Van Zeyl moved to adjourn. Approved unanimously.
The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Regular Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Bill Ewers, Clayton J Beck III, Rich Morrow, Lenore Murphy, Linda Vice, Jane Ellen Murray, David Paul, Jack Beckstrom, Cathy Barry.
1. Clayton Beck moves to approve September minutes. Approved unanimously.
2. Board had decided to move the next meeting to 5:30 p.m.
3. Treasurers Report was accepted by board.
4. A/C for third floor was discussed; board has decided to receive bids on 3rd floor and 1st floor galleries.
5. Board has decided to setup a meeting with Sculptors with Jan Tracy as mediator.
6. Schmid presentation was a success. 90 participants attended the event.
7. New Members: Lenore Murphy moved to approve the following new members applicants: Rebecca Byrne, Barbara Noonan, Karen Sisko. Approved unanimously.
8. Jack Beckstrom moved to adjourn. Approved unanimously.
The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Regular Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Mike Wilkins, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Bill Ewers, Dominic Vignola, Rich Morrow, David Paul, Clayton Beck, Lenore Murphy.
1. Jane Ellen Murray moves to approve October minutes. Unanimously Approved.
2. Treasurer’s report was discussed and approved by board.
3. Board met with Jan Tracy and Alex Terras to discuss ideas on fund raising events and developing an Advisory Board.
4. Jack Beckstrom made a motion to “Forgive the Building Account debt to the General Account for the purpose of strengthening the Building Account. Unanimously Approved.
Note that the P&C Building Fund has contributed $10,000 a year for four years into the General Account.
5. The Board is going to the educational committee to look into offering children courses here at P&C.
6. Fall clearance sale grossed a total of $8,787. This sale went better than the previous fall sale.
7. Next board meeting is moved to 12/19/2006 at 6:00pm.
8. February 2nd, 2007 Wine tasting event at P&C.
9. Val asked Board members to consider the merits of Chris Miller’s motion for all committees to meet once a year.
10. Clayton Beck III motioned to adjourn. Unanimously Approved.
The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Regular Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Dominic Vignola, Rich Morrow, Clayton Beck and Bill Ewers.
1. Clayton Beck moved to approve November minutes. Unanimously approved.
2. Preliminary budget was reviewed and will be voted on at January meeting.
3. Jane Ellen Murray formally thanked the membership for maintaining the kitchen and recommended putting a notice in the Quick Sketch.
4. The Board discussed possible Advisory Board Members and what the Advisory Board’s function would be. The matter will be further discussed at the January meeting.
5. Bill Ewers said promotional coupons will be distributed at the Model Marathon encouraging non-members to join the P&C.
6. The Board recommended looking into obtaining mailing lists or placing ads in newsletters for graphic designers, interior decorators, etc.
7. In response to a motion compelling the P&C standing committees to meet once a year, the Board decided to create “Committee Week”. We will announce the meetings with a mailing that asks for members to attend and offer suggestions or concerns. A follow-up mailing will be sent that will have agendas for the meetings.
8. Val and Bill reported that a working agreement has been reached regarding the Coach House policies.
9. A motion asking for free membership to American service people was tabled until the next meeting.
10. Sandy Balcer, Gail O’Connor and Nikki Delhomme were voted in as associate members.
Clayton Beck motioned to adjourn. Unanimously Approved.
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl (new Treasurer) , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Mike Wilkins, Clayton Beck III, Ralph Cossentino, Jane Ellen Murray, Cathy Barry, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Wilkins moves to approve December minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Office will present Income/Expense statement for the Operating account beginning at the next board meeting.
3. Regarding the scope of expenditures assigned to the Building Fund -- Val will prepare a schedule that will restrict those expenditures to capital building improvements -- but will also provide for a fund to be set aside to handle sudden, large expenses like boiler and roof repair/replacement.
4. Wilkins moves to approve new Member -- Aaron Sackman -- approved by unanamous vote:
5. Meeting Adjourned.
February 20, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Mike Wilkins, Ed Wentz, Jack Beckstrom, Linda Vice,
Cathy Barry, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Wilkins moves to approve January minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Bill will meet with Chris concerning his requested Income/Expense statement for the Operating account .
3. Val will write a proposal concerning the building fund which will limit it to renovation and major repairs. He will set a dollar figure to define 'major' and he will set a reserve which the fund must maintain to be ready to cover major repairs.
4. Chris and Val will present the wording for their proposed bylaws changes to the next meeting.
5. Val presented his goals for 2006. (Bill -- please attach them) Chris suggested that they include "increase member participation"
6. Ed presented his design for P&C mailings
7.Bill will mail an election announcement to all the artist members, listing and describing all the board positions that are open for election at the next quarterly --- and Bill asks anyone who is interested in running (including board members seeking re-election) to inform the office of their candidacy.
8.Quarterly meeting is set for 3/28, Next board is set for 3/20
9. Meeting Adjourned.
March 20, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Mike Wilkins, Ed Wentz, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Wilkins moves to approve February minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Office will hire a person to estimate the potential major capital expenses ($500-$1000)
3. Beckstrom will draw up a lease for 2 statues to the P&C
4. The exhibits committee will meet March 27 to discuss how the permanent collection will be displayed
5. Rich Morrow will get an estimate for the cost of a round table for the library
6. Those who are interested will ask various people to serve on the election advisory committee
7. Miller will show Ewers how to make a P&C blog
8. New members approved unanamously: (motion by Wilkins)
Vladimir Tartakoves
Tim Coman
Kevin Hunter
Kimlien Tran
Douglas Stephens
9. Board members will submit issues of legal interest to Janet Tracy who will
arrange for her law firm to provide pro-bono seminars on the topics.
April 17, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Chris Miller (taking minutes), Jack Beckstrom,
, Jane Ellen Murray, Linda Vice, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director). (Ed Wentz and
Cathy Barry confirmed votes by telephone by the following day)
1. Beckstrom moves to approve March minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Val will select paintings to go into library - taking into consideration choices indicated by those who attended the exhibition committee meeting the previous month
3. Val moved to approve the new member: John Tran. Passed unanamously
May 22, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Michael Van Zeyl , Chris Miller (taking minutes), Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Cathy Barry, Marion Steffy, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Murray moves to approve April minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Val will share his profit-center performance report with the board next month
3. Expert estimates to evaluate building repair costs have been running around $2000 -- which is more than the board had agreed to spend. Alternative approaches will be presented next month -- perhaps just to estimate expenses for a few major areas:
roof (both buildings), back stairway, and boiler.
4.Timetable for the board elections will be:
by next week: incumbents should announce whether they will be running again
sometime later: names of candidates/vacancies will be posted on an election blog
by July 1 : election ballot will be mailed to voting members
third week of July: election meeting will take place
5. Steffy moves to approve the following new members: (approved unanamously)
Vinko Lisnic Jr.
Jeanne Licari
Karen Farnsworth
Dennis Tai Piu Tsang
6. Janet Tracy announced that her law firm would consider performing pro-bono work for those associated with the Palette and Chisel -- regarding any legal work (including non-art related issues) they might need done. Those interested should submit their requests to the P&C office.
7. The following motions will be presented to the board next month:
1. To create an advisory board for the purpose of raising an endowment.
(the first two members would be attorneys from Janet Tracy's law firm)
2. To create a Corporate Interface Committee for the purpose of creating awareness of the Pallete and Chisel in the corporate community of Chicago. (the first members would include Yachik, Beckstrom, Ewers, Wentz)
Janet Tracy has invited Val and others to visit the offices of her law firm and discuss these activitees with two of her colleagues.
8. Meeting adjourned -- board members invited to comment on Yachik's selected paintings for display in the library (based on history, cash value, and aesthetics (in that order))
June 19, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik (presiding), Chris Miller (taking minutes), Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Cathy Barry, Marion Steffy, Linda Vice, and Bill Ewers (Executive Director).
1. Beckstrom moves to approve May minutes. Approved unanamously.
2. Chris will prepare a plan for cleaning/maintaining the coach house sculpture studio
by September 1
3. Chris will propose ways to increase sculpture workshop and class attendance.
Bill will interview former students concerning why they left.
4. Murray moved to approve Edgar Cvarezma for membership. Approved unanamously.
5. Janet Tracy moved:
To create an advisory board for the purpose of raising an endowment.
(the first two members would be attorneys from Janet Tracy's law firm)
Approved unanamously.
6. Janet Tracy moved:
To create a Corporate Interface Committee for the purpose of creating awareness of the Pallete and Chisel in the corporate community of Chicago. Approved unanamously.
7. Quarterly election meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 18
Board will meet on the 24th
8. Jan Tracy moved as follows: people who are in Palette and Chisel shows must
commit to contribute in some way toward the exhibition. Motion approved, Yachik and Miller opposed.
July 24,2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Bill Ewers, Clayton J Beck III, Rich Morrow, Lenore Murphy, Linda Vice, Mike Wilkins, Janet Tracy, Dominic Vignola, Jane Ellen Murray, Michael Van Zeyl, David Paul.
1. Michael Wilkins moves to approve June minutes. Approved unanimously.
2. Val - Discussed hanging the permanent collection. Clayton Beck made a suggestion for a “Wall of Fame” (This would show the history of fine artist that have been members of P&C). Bill Ewers will work with Frank Hensley on getting Historical info on past members.
3. Val discussed finance of P&C; i.e., Raised studio rentals, met forecast of budget. Questions were raised regarding raising dues or open studio fees, limiting number of coupons books available to one individual. Changing membership types in bylaws to promote more memberships.
4. Exhibitions rates to be reviewed to include prorating exhibitions during summer months. July and August.
5. Board wants to find out who the Palette and Chisel competes with in the Chicago market. Also to consider a plan of action to counteract our competitors.
6. Treasurer report: Bill Ewers: Budget was off due to David Leffel workshop being at end of quarter. Budget will be in line for coming quarter.
7. Jane Ellen Murray called for volunteers to help in the garden.
8. Rich Morrow volunteered to head up “Quick Sketch”.
9. Silver Medal Show also called Platinum Show. Questions were raised on who to judge this show. Bill Ewers will call galleries to have someone judge show and will pull a list of judges.
10. Michael Van Zeyl- will contact Art Students league of New York to get info on Air Rights.
11. Clayton Beck will get info on raising the skylight on 3rd floor studio.
12. Mike Wilkins motioned to adjourn meeting.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Dominic Vignola, Mike Wilkins, Bill Ewers,
Clayton J. Beck III, Cathy Barry, Rich Morrow, Linda Vice, Jane Ellen Murray,
David Paul, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy
1) Michael Wilkins moved to approve minutes. Approved unanimously.
2) Jack Beckstrom: moved to accept proposal from Janel Rouge on overseeing Sculpture operations: (See proposal for details). Approved unanimously
3) The Board will look into central A/C for third floor. Bill Ewers will head up this project.
4) Chris Miller’s proposal for expansion of coach house studio was presented to the Board.
5) New Members: Mike Wilkins motioned to approve the following new member applicants: Linda White, Ann Weibel and Loretta Yoder. Approved unanimously.
6) Richard Schmid: The board wants to do a fundraiser
7) Rose Frantzen: coming to town
8) A motion was made (by Val) that the individual member links on our website be restricted to members’ artwork and that nothing other than the art work itself, the title of the artwork and the price are permitted on the website to which we link. The Palette & Chisel reserves the right to cancel any link from the P&C to any website in its sole discretion. The motion was passed unanimously.
9) Donors Group: Janet Tracy: Advisory Committee has been established and ready to come and review the P&C.
Janet Tracy: Pro Bono: Legal Advice will be put into future “Quick Sketch” i.e apply for pro bono services (possibility of inquiring on Health Insurance)
9) Linda Vice motioned to adjourn.
---------- The following is the proposal approved in item 2 above-----------
Dear Palette and Chisel Board,
I am proposing the board creates a position of studio technician for the sculpture house. I would like to fill this position with duties including:
· Responsible for scheduling firings
· Keeping studio policies in effect
· General upkeep, promotion, and directional motivation
I have been taking the initiative to act in this position, and would like to continue year round, in addition to teaching in the spring/summer. Not only have I donated countless hours to organization but have given items including an air conditioner, shelving, and fabrics. Instead of being paid to do this I am asking that my membership dues be granted, courtesy of the board.
I am qualified for this position, as I have preformed these duties for Ox Bow Summer School of Art, as well as the Beacon Street Gallery as the Master Artist Coordinator.
If it is required I attend a meeting, for this proposal to be approved please let me know. Thank You.
Sincerely, Janel Rouge
-------------------- the following is the proposal offered in item 4 above ----
As I recorded for item #3 of the June/06 minutes of the board:
" Chris will propose ways to increase sculpture workshop and class attendance.
Bill will interview former students concerning why they left."
I don't what Bill has come up with, but my proposal is as follows:
The most effective change the P&C can make is to increase the size of the sculpture
studio -- which currently becomes difficult beyond 6 people -- uncomfortable beyond 8 -- and impossible beyond 10.
This is not currently a problem for our under-attended workshops and classes ---- however,attendance ebbs and flows -- and every few years or so we get a sculpture teacher who can attract and keep a large following. When this happens, the limited size of our space provides a strong incentive for them to take their classes elsewhere. This happened twice over the past 12 years -- with Amri Amrany and Susan Clinard -- and I suspect it will continue to happen in the future. Would Clayton Beck or Romel de la Torre still teach painting here if their maxium class size were 8 ?
A larger studio would also allow small-classes and small-workshops to share the same studio time and model -- cutting the expenses for each -- and giving new students the opportunity of working beside those who are more experienced -- and it would allow -- finally -- for some special sculpture two-or-three day workshops to occur (just as they do now for painters with David Leffel etc)
How can the studio be made larger ? By removing the wall that separates it from the storage rooms, and making the adjoining northwest studio (currently one of the two private studios of a current board member) the new storage room. As recorded in the minutes of Nov. 17,2004: "2. Bill Ewers will get prices for the removal of interior wall in coach house main studio." ---- but now, two years later, still don't think anything has been done.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Dominic Vignola, Bill Ewers, Cathy Barry, Rich Morrow, Linda Vice, Jane Ellen Murray, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Michael Van Zeyl
1) Jane Ellen Murray moved to approve the revised minutes. The changes are reflected in the August minutes. Approved unanimously.
2) Jane Ellen thanked Rich, Val and Bill for how well the newsletter looked. She also thanked Clayton and Val for hanging the permanent collection in the library.
3) The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Board.
4) New Members: Cathy Barry moved to approve the following new member applicants: Stacey Street, Bruce Bilek, Kathy Spiess and Leslie Wolf. Approved unanimously.
5) The Board approved Audry Cramblit to replace Susan Clinard for the rest of the semester. Approved unanimously. Bill reported that Susan wished to have bi-annual sculpture workshops at the P&C.
6) Janet Tracy reported that Stuart Shapiro will be available to counsel P&C members on obtaining affordable health insurance.
7) Jack Beckstrom moved to forgive the Building Account debt to the General Account for the purpose of strengthening the Building Account. The motion was tabled until the next meeting.
8) Michael Van Zeyl moved to adjourn. Approved unanimously.
The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Regular Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Bill Ewers, Clayton J Beck III, Rich Morrow, Lenore Murphy, Linda Vice, Jane Ellen Murray, David Paul, Jack Beckstrom, Cathy Barry.
1. Clayton Beck moves to approve September minutes. Approved unanimously.
2. Board had decided to move the next meeting to 5:30 p.m.
3. Treasurers Report was accepted by board.
4. A/C for third floor was discussed; board has decided to receive bids on 3rd floor and 1st floor galleries.
5. Board has decided to setup a meeting with Sculptors with Jan Tracy as mediator.
6. Schmid presentation was a success. 90 participants attended the event.
7. New Members: Lenore Murphy moved to approve the following new members applicants: Rebecca Byrne, Barbara Noonan, Karen Sisko. Approved unanimously.
8. Jack Beckstrom moved to adjourn. Approved unanimously.
The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Regular Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Mike Wilkins, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Bill Ewers, Dominic Vignola, Rich Morrow, David Paul, Clayton Beck, Lenore Murphy.
1. Jane Ellen Murray moves to approve October minutes. Unanimously Approved.
2. Treasurer’s report was discussed and approved by board.
3. Board met with Jan Tracy and Alex Terras to discuss ideas on fund raising events and developing an Advisory Board.
4. Jack Beckstrom made a motion to “Forgive the Building Account debt to the General Account for the purpose of strengthening the Building Account. Unanimously Approved.
Note that the P&C Building Fund has contributed $10,000 a year for four years into the General Account.
5. The Board is going to the educational committee to look into offering children courses here at P&C.
6. Fall clearance sale grossed a total of $8,787. This sale went better than the previous fall sale.
7. Next board meeting is moved to 12/19/2006 at 6:00pm.
8. February 2nd, 2007 Wine tasting event at P&C.
9. Val asked Board members to consider the merits of Chris Miller’s motion for all committees to meet once a year.
10. Clayton Beck III motioned to adjourn. Unanimously Approved.
The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Regular Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2006
Attendance: Val Yachik, Jack Beckstrom, Janet Tracy, Jane Ellen Murray, Dominic Vignola, Rich Morrow, Clayton Beck and Bill Ewers.
1. Clayton Beck moved to approve November minutes. Unanimously approved.
2. Preliminary budget was reviewed and will be voted on at January meeting.
3. Jane Ellen Murray formally thanked the membership for maintaining the kitchen and recommended putting a notice in the Quick Sketch.
4. The Board discussed possible Advisory Board Members and what the Advisory Board’s function would be. The matter will be further discussed at the January meeting.
5. Bill Ewers said promotional coupons will be distributed at the Model Marathon encouraging non-members to join the P&C.
6. The Board recommended looking into obtaining mailing lists or placing ads in newsletters for graphic designers, interior decorators, etc.
7. In response to a motion compelling the P&C standing committees to meet once a year, the Board decided to create “Committee Week”. We will announce the meetings with a mailing that asks for members to attend and offer suggestions or concerns. A follow-up mailing will be sent that will have agendas for the meetings.
8. Val and Bill reported that a working agreement has been reached regarding the Coach House policies.
9. A motion asking for free membership to American service people was tabled until the next meeting.
10. Sandy Balcer, Gail O’Connor and Nikki Delhomme were voted in as associate members.
Clayton Beck motioned to adjourn. Unanimously Approved.
I am a friend of Sandy Balcer. I am sad to say that she had passed away on Sept 5 2008. Her services are being held at the Huns funeral home in Addison Illinois. 320 West Lake Street. Time is 12:00 to 2:00. The pastor will say prayer at 1:00 to 1:30. If you can not attend please say a prayer for Sandy. Thank you her friend Tina
This is a tragedy.
Sandy was a vibrant young woman - I met her at the first (and only) meeting of the "committee for committees" early this year. She had a lot of good ideas.
If anyone has pictures of her art work, I would like to post them.
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